Plastic surgical care for the wounds
Non-cutting Double Eyelids for Asians
Non-cutting Upper Eyelid – blepharoplasty for non-Asians
Face: Nose, Facelift, Cutting eyelids (blepharoplasty)
Ear problems, Eardeformity (Protruding ears), etc.
Breast lift
Breast Implant Surgery
breast reduction, implant removal, and Nipple/Areola
Gynecological plastic surgery (Labiaplasty)
Mole, Skin lesions, Spider Veins, Ear-, Body-Piercing
Surgical procedures offered by U.S. Board-Certified plastic surgeon
Minimally Invasive Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgical care for the wounds
Plastic surgical wound repair is available for most local surface wounds, e.g., minor lacerations, cuts, dog bites, minor burns, etc. We think the initial wound care by a plastic surgeon is important. In general it is more difficult to revise the imperfectly healed wounds than the doing right job at the first time. If you happen to have one of those wounds, it is desirable to treat within first 8 hours (before bacterial overgrowth). Although we do not take the Japanese national insurance, our fee for the plastic closure of the wounds are reasonable and any foreign insurance reimbursement form will be filled out. Our doctors are both U.S. trained and board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
From ¥50,000 (+ tax).
Non-cutting Double Eyelids for Asians
New York, NY – An improved non-incisional technique to create double eyelids in Asian patients is reported in the year 2001 issue of Aesthetic Surgery Journal (ASJ), the peer-reviewed publication of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
*If you are interested in reading this article, please click
→this link for the original paper.
Double-eyelid surgery is the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in Japan. Whereas most surgeons in the United States perform cutting-type double eyelid surgery, Japanese women prefer non-incisional techniques. According to the authors of a study appearing in ASJ, current non-incisional techniques for creating double eyelids are either technically complex or do not produce lasting results.
(from top: “before”,
“immediately after”,
and “1 week later”)
Doctors in Japan and the USA describe an improved procedure that uses double sutures and twists (called DST technique) to create double eyelids in Asian patients. They say the non-incisional procedure is “simple, durable, and virtually scar free.” As described in the article, the method uses only two sutures on each upper eyelid, with the durability explained by the areas of ties and the central twists that result in more secure and therefore longer-lasting results.
The authors performed 1108 cases using the DST method during the past ten years, with no loss of double eyelid line after follow-up periods ranging from one month to seven years (with a mean follow-up time of 32 months). The average operative time ranged from 20 minutes (one side) to 60 minutes (bilateral). Most patients did not require sedation, and the surgeries were performed with only local anesthesia. Complications were minor and rare.
¥65,000 (+ tax) per site for DST method (both sides – ¥130,000 (+ tax).
*The simple “Smart method” (non-DST) cost ¥40,000 (+ tax) for one eye.
Non-cutting Upper Eyelid – blepharoplasty for non-Asians
Our doctor performed the same techniques used for creating Asian double eyelids as above for non-Asians including sagging upper eyelids of Caucasians. If your upper eyelid sagging is not severe and if you want to avoid any downtime, this DST non-cutting upper eyelid procedure works very well for all races.
*The followings show step-by-step details of the procedures (for both Asian double eyelids and for non-asian, non-cutting blepharoplasty):
Liposuction by U.S. Board-Certified surgeon
We specialize in “tumescent” liposuction using minimally invasive “microcanula”system. Our director Dr. Kure introduced the Tumescent liposuction to Japan over 20 years ago.
Liposuction has been performed for more than 20 years and has proved to be a safe and effective procedure for most patients.
Depending on the amount of fat tissue removed, a same-day procedure or overnight stay may be chosen. For the same-day liposuction, it is done under a combination of local anesthesia and oral sedation while general anesthesia is used for large areas of liposuction.
Our director (Dr. Kure) has performed many cases of liposuction in the U.S. and Japan for over 20 years. He is specialized not only in micro-liposuction but also in mega-liposuction. From ¥300,000 (+ tax).
The down time is minimal with most cases of liposuction, ranging from a few days to one week or so. The procedure is done as Same-Day surgery.
*Comparison to power-assisted liposuction (Vaser, Ultrasonic, Electronic, etc): Micro-liposuction using tumescent technique is least invasive to the surrounding tissue. Many doctors in the US used to use Vaser and other types of power-assisted lipo, but many of them stopped using those devices due to higher number of serious complications such as internal burns, seroma, nerve damage, and tissue necrosis. Most of such complications are heat-related from the power-assisted machines. We feel gentle manual tumescent micro-lipo is the safest technique although it is labor intensive and takes longer hours to complete.
Special Offer
> 15% off for Liposuction when more than 2 areas* treated. *One area defines as upper abdomen, lower abdomen, etc.
Please mention this special offer when you make an appointment!
For more “before and after” pictures, please click here (photo gallery)
and , also for more information on liposuction in Tokyo and tummy tuck surgery.
Fat Injection/Liposculpture
There are a few different ways to treat depressions in upper eyelids. The simplest and most effective way is to inject your own fat into the tissue under the skin of the upper lid. This is called “lipoinjection.” The fat is harvested from the donor site (wherever you want), then injected into the upper lid depression. Approximately 60-70% of the fat will be naturally absorbed in a year, but the remainder will usually last for a long time (unlike other injectables such as Restylane).
Similarly, fat can be injected to correct smile lines (Nasolabial lines), Chin augmentation, Cheek augmentation, Marionette lines, and so forth. We prefer to use patients’ own (autologous) fat in micro-particle form to correct these problems. The fat tissue is usually harvested from a tiny hole in the patients’ umbilicus (lower abdomen) using a small syringe. The whole process is done under local anesthesia at an outpatient setting without any pain. The harvested fat is carefully processed into smaller particles, then injected to the target areas using a small 1 cc syringe. There is no incision involved. The recovery is quick and most patients go back to work next day. There is minimal swelling and almost no down time.
From ¥300,000 (+ tax)
[Correction of upper lid depression with fat]
Chin augmentation by fat injection
Face: Nose, facelift, Cutting eyelids (bepharoplasty)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) is done in many different ways including hump removal, reshaping of the entire nose using either cartilage graft or silastic implants. It is usually done under twilight or local anesthesia in an outpatient surgery center.
If you sedire to remove a small hump, it may be done by just shaving the hump with a special diamond-head rasp. For the tip refinement, we prefer to use the autologous cartialge from the ear or nose. The silastic implant is used only for the dorsal onlay purpose.
Alar reduction is also done in same-day setting.
For more Nose “before-after” photos, click here
Facelift can be minimally invasive “mini-lift” or extensive full brow and neck dissecting type facelift. While mini-lift and limited facelift are done in outpatient setting, the full facelift is done in an affiliated hospital under general anesthesia. Please ask for more details.
For more facelift “before-after” photos, click here
Eyelid surgery (Cutting blepharoplasty) includes upper and lower blepharoplasty (removing the redundant sagging skin), eye bags (lower lid), Eye lift (lateral), and fat graft to sunken eyes.
All eyelid surgeries are done under local anesthesia (same day procedures).
Ear reconstruction for Prominent Ear
Ear reconstruction for prominent ear
*Prominent ear reonstruction: from 290,000 yen. *If you have Japanese national health insurance, portion of the fee may be covered by the insurance. Please visit our insurance pagefor more information.
What is Ear Surgery?
Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a procedure that can correct a variety of aesthetic concerns related to the ears. This can range from reshaping ears perceived as too large or protruding to repairing earlobes that have been stretched or torn.
There are several techniques utilized in ear surgery, depending on the specific needs and desires of the patient. These can include:
Ear Pinning: For those with protruding ears, the surgeon can reposition the ears closer to the head.
Ear Reshaping: This involves sculpting the cartilage to achieve a more desirable shape or size.
Earlobe Repair: Torn or stretched earlobes can be surgically repaired and reshaped.
Candidates for Ear Surgery:
Otoplasty is suitable for individuals from children to adults. The ideal candidates for this surgery include:
Children or adults with protruding or overly large ears.
Those who have had a previous ear surgery and are unsatisfied with the results.
Individuals with congenital ear shape abnormalities.
Anyone with injured or deformed ears as a result of trauma or accident.
Individuals who are in good health, have realistic expectations, and understand the risks and benefits of the procedure.
It’s worth noting that for children, it’s generally recommended that they are at least five years old, as the ear will have reached its full size by this age.
Ear Surgery Recovery:
The recovery process from ear surgery is relatively straightforward and is characterized by the following stages:
Immediate Recovery: After the surgery, the patient’s ears are typically bandaged to support the new shape and minimize swelling. Some discomfort and itching might be experienced, but this is usually manageable with prescribed pain medications.
First Week: Bandages are removed within a week. Swelling and bruising will start to subside. Patients should avoid sleeping on their side to prevent putting pressure on the ears.
Following Weeks: Most patients can return to work or school within a week, although strenuous activities and sports should be avoided for at least another month. It’s crucial to follow post-operative instructions to ensure optimal healing and results.
Long-term Care: While the majority of swelling will subside within a few weeks, minor changes and settling can continue for up to six months. Protecting the ears from excessive force or trauma is essential during this period.
Ear surgery, performed by an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Robert Kure in Tokyo, can provide transformative results that enhance the harmony and balance of the face. Whether it’s a child being teased at school or an adult who has lived with ear-related self-consciousness for years, otoplasty offers a path to renewed self-confidence and a more pleasing appearance.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck is done in a few different ways (mini-, or full-) depending of the amount of tissue involved. After childbirth, sagging of the abdomen may occur in spontaneous labor or caesarean section. Such a state gradually returns to the original form with the recovery period after childbirth, but in cases where pregnancy gives birth several times or when the waist circumference during pregnancy becomes too large, slack may remain in the abdomen after childbirth.
(*the real before-after photographs can be seen at the time of consultation)
In addition, umbilical hernia, abdominal wall hernia, etc. may appear, in which the muscles running vertically in the stomach (rectus abdominis muscles) separate largely into the right and left or (Diastesis recti). If this condition goes on, you may have to repair it by surgery.
First of all, by a method called Tammy tuck, incision is made horizontally at the bottom part of the tummy (in the bikini line) part, peeling the tummy skin and subcutaneous tissue up to the boundary with the chest and the side to the side of the stomach. Next, if there is a hernia repair it. Then, in the case where the rectus abdominisis is dissociated, bring it to the center and repair it. Finally, move the position of the umbilicus, and cut off the excess stomach skin.
Because it will be a large-scale surgery, it will be a treatment to be done while hospitalizing for a few days at a university hospital. Because it will require a systemic burden, confirmation that it is a healthy body (preoperative examination) is necessary. Also, it will take a considerable amount of time (several weeks) to get back to daily life.
Breast Augmentation, -Lift, -Reduction
Breast augmentation is done using either saline filled bags or silicone bags to your desired layers (below or above the muscles). It can be approached through the nipples or the underarm areas. It is usually done under general anesthesia in an outpatient surgery center. Various sizes of bags are available (we use only American products). From ¥600,000 (+ tax) for both sides.
For more breast “before-after” photos, click here
Breast lift (Mastopexy) raises the sagging breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue.
The breast volume can be diminished due to various reasons including pregnancy/breastfeeding, weight loss, aging, or sometimes genetically, and results in “sagging” appearance.
The sagging breasts have grading system.
The minimal or grade 1 breast ptosis show only mild sagging and this can be sometimes corrected by simple breast augmentation only. For the people with more severe sagging such as grade 2-3 or if a grade 1 patient is not interested in augmentation, then breast lift (mastopexy) procedure is considered.
If there is mild sagging or in case of true ptosis, periareolar (around the areolar) incision and remodeling techniques alone may be satisfactory. But, in case of severe sagging or pseudoptosis (predominantly sagging of breast gland) require combination of periareolar and inferior breast incisions.
Breast lift surgery does not significantly change the size of your breasts or round out the upper part of your breast.
From ¥600,000 (+ tax) for both sides.
Left: “before” Right: “after breast lift” * from ASPS artwork
(*the real before-after photographs can be seen at the time of consultation)
Breast Reduction raises the sagging breasts and also reducing the large amount of breast tissue to smaller size at the same time by removing excess breast tissue and skin. Since this type of surgery requires longer operation time and postsurgical care, it needs to be done in a hospital. Three to 4 days of hospital stay is usual. For more detailed discussion about breast reduction, please visit our office for personalized consultation. Fee – depending on the size of reduction but it can start from 1,000,000 yen for the hospital fee (the doctor’s fee is additional).
Removal of breast implants and capsules
Removal of breast implants and capsular contractures: A certain percentage of the implants (breast augmentation bags) will form capsules around the implants several years after the breast augmentation surgery. This is called capsular formation of a breast augmentation bag, or capsular contracture. When you touch the breast, you will feel a little wrinkle, and wrinkles will appear on the surface of the skin in the form of streaks (rippling) and it will be sometimes painful. There may be overall deformity of the breast as well.
Surgery to remove the breast augmentation bag may be necessary if the skin surface is wrinkled or deformed, or if it is painful. When it comes to pain, it’s not just in the breast, but sometimes it’s felt as radiating pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper arms.
Breast augmentation bag removal is not an easy operation if you try to do it properly. Removing the bag alone may not have sufficient results. Capsules that are in close contact with the surface of the bag should also be removed at the same time. In particular, the capsule on the front of the bag should be removed. Otherwise, the capsule will remain all around and become a new cavity (called seroma).
Also, on rare occasions, people who have had a “Textured” type breast augmentation bag (a rough surface implant) in the past may develop a special type of lymphoma (called ALCL) around the capsule. In that case, resection of the lymphoma is also required.
Capsule removal is a fairly extensive operation as described above. Therefore, we do not recommend that such surgery be performed as outpatient surgery. Our doctor is the attending physician and performs surgery at a university hospital for this kind of case.
Please consult us further regarding the removal surgery of the breast implants and the capsular contracture.
Reduction of nipple and/or areola, plastic surgery for retracted/inverted nipple
Plastic surgery for nipple and areola areas can be done under local or twilight anesthesia. Fee ranges from 90,000 yen (nipple reduction: fee varies depending on the degree of nipple reduction). Areolar reduction: from 190,000 yen. Repair of inverted nipple: from 290,000 yen. Please ask for more details by e-mail.
Nipple Reconstruction (click here)
Whitening (depigmention treatment) Nipple/Areolar area and other pigmented areas can be treated with combined use of whitening medication and special chemical peel. Whitening cream alone often does not improve the condition, so we recommend special chemical peeling in most cases. From 10,000 yen. Please ask more in detail. You may e-mail your inquiry to prior to a formal consultation.
Labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation:
For the former, we use special methods to minimize the scar and color mismatch including the UCLA method in which natural thin edge is obtained even for a large thick tissue.
From 190,000 yen (labial size reduction).
Piercing to the labia and/or clitoral hood are also available under sterile condition using local anesthesia (first stud – 15,000 yen, then from second 10,000 yen per stud including the anesthesia fee).
For the vaginal procedure, we refer to an affiliated US Board-Certified OB-GYN surgeon in Tokyo. For more detailed information, please e-mail to us.
Nipple/Areolar area and other pigmented areas can be treated with combined use of whitening medication and special chemical peel. Whitening cream alone often does not improve the condition, so we recommend special chemical peeling in most cases. From 10,000 yen.
For Other Procedures and more information regarding breast augmentation, breast lift,breast implants, Male breast reduction (Gynecomastia), repair of ear deformity,removal of skin lesions, Scar revision, Labiaplasty, Gynecological plastic surgery, etc., please ask the doctor at the consultation or by e-mail.
We cannot show all the facial pictures of our patients here due to consent issue, but those will be available at the time of consultation at the office.
Scar Revision and Reconstructive procedures
Scar revision for the old vertical abdominal wounds. Tummy tuck method was used to remove the scar and thin down the abdominal fat.
Large scar revision as shown above from ¥300,000 (+ tax) (the minimal scar revision costs from ¥50,000 (+ tax)).
We also offer reconstructive plastic procedures for a variety of conditions. Please ask for more in detail.
Buttock augmentation by fat tissue graft (from ¥900,000 (+ tax))
Click here for the example of Buttock augmentation using fat tissue graft
Mole removal and Other procedures
Mole removal is done using either surgical methods for large one or laser for small one (from ¥5,000 (+ tax) for small one and up). Skin tags are treated in similar fashion.
Broken veins and Spider veins are removed by laser (from ¥20,000 (+ tax) ~). Other skin lesions such as lesions derived from sun damaged skin can be treat as well.
Ear piercing, Body piercing available.
We use U.S. made piercing that is made of Titanium. It is least allergic to skin. Ear Piercing is from ¥4,500 (+ tax) (one). Body piercing can be done using local anesthesia without any discomfort to any body areas you wish (from 15,000 yen (+ tax) including the local anesthesia fee. From second body piercing -10,000 yen/stud)). Piercing is done by medical doctors only.
Second Opinion Consultation
- Unhappy results from treatment/surgery elsewhere?
- Provide pictures from before/after the procedures.
- Bring operative reports if available.
- You may e-mail your inquiry to our clinic prior to a formal consultation.
- Our U.S. Board-Certified plastic surgeon will review and analyze your case, and give you a professional advice.