Breast augmentation at an university hospital

Today, the director of our hospital performed breast augmentation surgery at a university hospital. It is an operation performed in the hospital under general anesthesia. The reason for doing it at a university hospital was to use a large implant of 300cc or more and to approach under the pectoralis major muscle. Smaller implants and submammary approaches may be possible with outpatient day surgery.

The benefits of performing these surgeries at a university hospital include using a large endoscopic device or multiple cases when large-scale chest muscle detachment is required or when adhesions that are difficult to detach are found in the space under the muscle. The wisdom of plastic surgeons is to help you work more safely and accurately. In fact, in today’s surgery, it was not easy to get under the pectoralis major muscle.

Today’s surgery was performed by a team of four specialists, including the director of our hospital, who is a part-time lecturer at the university, and an associate professor class. The work was carried out in collaboration with anesthesiology specialists and a skilled nursing team. Another benefit of performing surgery at a university hospital is that it can be performed with such team medical care. It enables safer, more efficient and more accurate procedures.

In addition to various breast surgeries, the director of this hospital also performs face lift, nasal plastic surgery and body work at the university hospital.

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