Aesthetic medicine: US – Japan differences

In Japan, there are many people who imagine something special about aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery. Many clinics bring patients with flashy advertising, and many patients coming to the clinic come secret. Moreover, it is said that many patients are different from the patients who visit usual medical department, i.e., having conditions such as psychosomatic diseases, neurosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc. As for the treatment contents, it is better to restore any problems into more normal looking status so that people can live a normal life after plastic surgery, but it is not a good case if someone is concerned about very small and trivial things. The latter is the scene of Japanese aesthetic medicine care, especially in cosmetic surgery.

On the other hand, there is no independent specialized department called cosmetic surgery in the United States because the plastic surgery also includes cosmetic surgery. In the United States, plastic surgery corrects the shape of the nose and the eyelid’s eyelid due to aging, just like general otolaryngology and ophthalmology, who should be cured as anyone sees it and agree with the treatment. It is common for the whole family to come to the clinic/hospital, and often they come to consult with a couple or parents. The inside of the clinic is also bright, not like being hidden quietly like in Japan.
As a result of doing aesthetic medicine care and plastic surgery in both the United States and Japan, I definitely feel such a difference as mentioned above.

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